The first show of the 2023 seaons is DEARLY DEPARTED, directed by Rhonda Howard, in her directorial debut. Performace dates are May 5th – 7th. “In the Baptist backwoods of the Bible Belt, the beleaguered Turpin family proves that living and dying in the South are seldom tidy and always hilarious.” This play starred Mary Thames, Michael Meyer, and many others.
Coming to the SRLT stage in August will be the Oscar Wilde classic, THE IMPORTANCE OF BEING EARNEST. Under the direction of Eve Hildebrandt, this show has been performed across the world and follows the antics of a Jack and his friend Algernon and the mess Jack created for himself. The players take the stage August 4th, 5th, and 6th.
Scaring the Stage this Halloween Season is “An EERIE EVENING OF ENTERTAINMENT” featuring two one-act shows: THE WACKY HORROR CYBER SHOW and THE EDGAR ALLEN POE AFTER-LIFE RADIO SHOW, both shows directed by Aaron Barksdale, with additional direction from Jill Sullivan (and possibly others). Perforance dates (tentatively) October 27th, 28th, and 29th.
Closing Singing River’s second season will be the modern Christmas classic, adapted for stage, A CHRISTMAS STORY, directed by Joelle May. This modern classic chronicles the events leading up to little Ralphie’s seminal Christmas with the gift a a Red Ryder BB Gun…careful, Ralphie, you’ll shoot your eye out! Showtimes will be December 8th, 9th, and 10th.